Monday, November 21, 2005

A tinge of pink

First and foremost its nice to be up and running wirelessly again, thus allowing both of my computers and me sisters to access the interweb once again without having the mess of cables everywhere. True, wireless isn't the best thing in the world as it can be affected by microwaves and the sort, but still, its nice to be able to wander round the house surfing the web. In short don't buy anything cheap and cheerful for networking purposes, you get what you pay for, and in my case I paid for a cheap little thingy that has apparently blown up quietly one night and didn't have the decency to tell me, or even smoke a bit. Even a charred smell would have been better than nothing. My new Netgear access point sits smugly up the corner calmly handing out wirelessness as fast as its little antenna can cope.

Sadly the promised office 12 beta review will not be occuring today due to me being a lazy git and not being bothered to install it, maybe later....

Today saw the introduction of some fog across our little island in the sea, but even more interestingly was the fact that after about an hour, it magically turned pink! I'm sure those of a meteorological bent will be able to furnish me with a valid reason as to why this occurred, but quite frankly, I don't care. One of life's little joy's and I shall keep it as such.

So endeth yet another day, and another one will surely arrive.

1 comment:

Peter said...

Thouroughly enjoying your return to form for all to read.
I'm guessing that you weren't dragged into the managers orifice for quite rightly refusing to work in a smoke filled no smoking office?