Tuesday, November 15, 2005

A Calmer Outlook

Well this afternonn im pleased to say was a damn sight better than the aboration that was this morning. I did get whinged at for not doing enough at work, this is despite the fact i stayed over doing 20 minutes work i didn't get paid for, but obviously i don't do enough...

'You can never do a good company for enough' as they say, firmly subscibed to that theory now i am.

Did play a little game with the entrance barrier earlier though that brightened me day up. Our place has an extrance and an exit barrier, with the exit barrier being weight sensed and so automatic, and you buzz to come in the in barrier, however, as we seem to be a hugely thrifty company who refuse to spend any money whatsoever unless somebody is about to die unless they do, our barriers keep breaking, just as they did today.

The in barrier decided it wanted to point vertically and nothing else, so it was doing a hell of a securty job tonight. Anyway we has the fortune to have a driver pop through the office with his nice fluorescent vest on, so duly me and other office chappy piped up

"Here, can you go and see if you can press the button and make that barrier come down for us, cos the site isn't very secure with it stuck up like that"
"yeah sure, i'll have a wander up and fetch it"
( i should mention here we have a camera trained on the barriers and a nice tv we can watch it on in the office, so we can see what's going on)

So off he wanders, into the night and sure enough appears at the barrier, wanders round for a bit then presses a button

"Yes it's me"
"Me, which button do i press"
"You've already pressed it"
"Press the other one, its still broke"

He crosses swiftly over to the out barrier, and presses the button for that, in the hope that we can confuse the barrier enough to go down

"Any joy?"
"Er no, not really, you'll have to swing off the in barrier and try to drag it down"
"Errr, are you sure?"
"Yeah, its fine, we've done it before"

So we watch with interest as he clambers up to the mounting point and proceeds to try to swing on the barrier, which to be fair to the bloke did move a bit, although we were jabbing the open button too, so he'd get it down a bit then we'd open it again, with him hanging on for dear life

However that was short lived as eventually the barrier gave up and refused to move at all then, so some chap will have to come and repair that tomorrow...

Hopefully i can have some sleep tomorrow morning, sister is off to leeds to peer at the university there, presumably the 2 hour train journey will bore her a bit, and stick her in a non commital mood, so when she gets back, it'll be a "nice day" "not really". I love it when i'm not the only one who's annoyed...

Have fun

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