Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Stop that banging you cunt!

An early morning addition to the blog today, as the chap next door again decides to draft some half baked builder type in to do some more noisy work at the crack of dawn, right next to my bedroom of course...

I was rudely awoken this morning to the sounds of a drill being used rather slowly, thus creating an immensely annoying squeaking sound, and you all know exactly the sound im on about. This was followed up several seconds later by the sound of a hammer being waved around occasionaly hitting things... i say waved as it didn't sound as if he was hitting the same thing twice.

Having decided at this stage i was up and spose i ought to start thinging about getting up, the doorbell goes. A swift peer between my curtain reveals no parcel vans or any vans whatsoever. Keeping my eye firmly glued to the window, i look down at the drive and see two women dressed in black carrying briefcases, bloody Johavah's witnesses, and i don't care if i spelt that wrong, smite me if you will. Needless to say having received no reply on the first jab of the doorbell, it was obviously deemed necessary to come back and have another go. At which point the dog got annoyed and told them as best she could to piss off. They got the message.

I then wander through to relieve my bladder to discover that the hedge that was screening us from the screaming kids at the school behind our house, has now been chopped down, presumably by a hedge fetishist or something. So now when i peer out the rear facing windows of our house, i get confronted by lots of screaming kids running round, falling over, colliding with mobile classrooms as they try to show their friends just how fast they can actually run.

"Look at me, im superman, weeeeeee (thud) (crumple)"
"Miss, miss, miss johnny hit the mobile, he's not doing much now though, we think he's dead"

You get the idea... (sigh) it would seem today is just not going to be my day

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