Friday, May 12, 2006


Yes im still here, i've not kicked any kind of bucket just yet. You can make your own mind up as to whether thats a good thing or not.

Been looking for travel insurance for the upcoming dubai trip. Not that difficult you would think? No, i didn't think so either, having had no trouble before, but no, nobody wants to even consider me because of my ailments. If i was travelling within the EU i could have some at the drop of a hat, but because im not, you end up with a phone conversation ending with a " Mr. Walker, it would appear we can't cover you for those, but er it would still cover you if you broke a leg or had a heart attack..." oh well thats ok then, i'll just aim to have part of me drop off on the first wednesday i'm out there, and possibly have an organ failure on the friday...

Still got a couple of people to try but its looking more and more likely i'll have to travel under a policy that covers my diabetes, as well as leg snappages as that doesn't seem to be a problem, and make sure my chest is in good shape before i go. In truth it shouldn't be a problem, the worst i would get is a cough, which i could pop to the hospital when i return and get treated. So that shouldn't be too bad, lots of exercise to keep me chest clear, and the hot climate should help too, as well all me medication, plus hopefully some spare antibiotics in case of any coughs. Damnit, i'm bloody going, insurance or not, and i'll make damn sure i'm ok whilst im out there as well.

Does make you angry though, that just because of a condition i have no control over, i should be a good cripple and die quietly in my bed. I reckon if they had their way, i wouldn't be allowed out the house, let alone the country. Well if a specialist doctor has no concerns over me going, then neither have i, and neither should they. It would appear it doesn't work quite like that, which, to be blunt, is fucking wank, and the FSA who regulate these things should fucking sort it out, cos i'm sorry, but as far as its concerned i think thats discrimination, and i've sent them an email stating so. It'll probably get lost in the system and i'll never hear anything back from them.

And now i think i'll go and be a good cripple, and die quietly in my bed. At my funeral, please play "My immortal" by Evanescence for which the following lyrics can be found

"When you cried, i'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream i'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me

I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone
but though you're still with me
I've been alone all along..."

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