Sunday, December 11, 2005

Away we go

Tomorrow will see me standing in Old Trafford camera in hand watching Manchester United play Everton. Should be a good afternoon by all accounts although the stairs up to the seats could just about cripple me....

In other news, me sister has passed her driving test, so beware if you are out on the road. She hasn't got a car yet, but its not going to take her long at the rate she's going. Did take her three attempts to pass though...

Did some christmas shopping earlier and to be honest it wasn't as busy as I expected it to be, managed to get a parking spot without any trouble and got what I went for without any problems.

One thing I did notice is why does it take women so much longer to do the shopping than men? Men go down and know exactly what they are going for and go straight for them, take them to the checkout and pay for them and then move on to the next shop and repeat until shopping list is completed. Women seem to adopt a different approach even with exactly the same shopping list. Women will go into the first store, same as the man, and then wander up and down the aisles and pick things up and then put them down again and move on to the next item.

There is no reason for this and eventually the woman will take a liking to a certain item and will buy it, despite the fact that its not really needed, and so therefore, what takes the man 30 minutes to do a shopping list and he comes home with exactly what he went for, takes the woman 2 hours and she comes home with an entirely different trolley load of crap.

Sometimes in really bad situations, the woman will return with nothing off the list at all, and everything is an impulse buy, great for the shops she's been round, but crap for everybody connected to the woman. Instead of a toaster for christmas, you get a toast rack with a free tea cosy. Completely useless...

Lets face it, we'll all seen this strange behaviour, and doubtless it will continue onwards.

Never mind though, I'll be back tomorrow to let you know how me footy match went, hopefully with some accompanying piccys too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

got to agree with you mate, fucking women and shopping is like going into a parallel universe where you missed school out and haven't a clue whats going on or why, you just aimlessly wander around looking at everything then buy the first thing you looked at which was, indeed, the thing you came out for...